Friday, April 13, 2007

Week Nine: Status Report

On Monday, no one was in class because the school was off for the Easter holiday. On Tuesday, we finished our PizzaPalace project and submitted it to our teacher for marking; my group did quite well on ours. As a treat, our teacher brought the entire class two pizzas to enjoy; it was quite delicious.

On Wednesday, we were given a lesson on using Loops in Visual Basic. We briefly went over it earlier in the course, but only with our flow charts, not in the program writing itself. We were given exercises to complete that were based on using loops (via counter and sum). An example of this would be our 4th exercise, which asked us to write a program that calculates the product of odd numbers from 10 to 59. That would mean the calculation would go something like 11+13+15+17+19+21+23... and so on, until it reached the number 59. On Thursday, we worked on more Looping. This time, it incorporated the debugging "QuickWatch" as well as using break points in the program. On Friday, We continued on the looping programs with using multi-line text boxes.

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